
Paul Cowland is a man with a lifelong passion for all things automotive – which has sadly affected his chances of working effectively in any other industry. A walking, talking encyclopaedia of anything to do with the internal combustion process and a fervent advocate of the Wankel rotary engine, he is rarely invited to parties.
Thankfully, his boundless enthusiasm for any motorised conveyance has given him a 20 year career writing, selling, tuning, restoring, photographing and creating almost every kind of car currently known to man… as well as being the ‘go to’ guy for many of the UK’s leading automotive publishers when they need an authority on such matters.
Having fronted up several prime-time ‘magazine’ shows for Eurosport and Motors TV, Paul has signed to the Discovery Channel in 2014, where his unique blend of humour, sarcasm and realistic day rate have proved to be a hit with producers. In addition, Paul’s many years of live presenting and motorsport commentary make him a regular at motorsport events as host or MC. Able to work unscripted for hours, or even days at a time, and able to remember a multitude of geeky facts at a moment’s notice, Paul has previously worked for the likes of Subaru, Isuzu, Saab and a plethora of big automotive names.
Paul’s latest big telly project is the aptly entitled ‘Turbo Pickers’ which sees his alongside the mechanical marvels that are Dave Southall and Adam ‘Adz’ Hornby for six snappy little hour-long shows that air from December 1st 2014 on Discovery.
As a card-carrying race driver, Paul can pedal almost as well as he can talk. He also currently has 28 classic and interesting cars in show condition, and a very understanding wife and daughters…